We’re delighted with the support that we receive from CF Systems. Their service desk is both responsive and knowledgeable and has assisted us greatly in keeping our systems running efficiently with the minimum of distraction to the business. Project work has always been delivered in a well-managed fashion and we look forward to continuing the relationship between ICE and CF Systems. .
- John Olson, IT Manager
Inspired Cycle Engineering (ICE) have been producing recumbent tricycles in Falmouth, Cornwall since 1999. Their combination of experience, design excellence and world class engineering has helped them become the market leader in their field with ICE trikes having set world records, won countless races and been part of innumerable adventures, including visiting the South Pole. You can see more information about ICE and their products at www.icetrikes.co
CF Systems have been supporting ICE with their IT requirements since 2019, working in close cooperation with their internal IT team to ensure that technology is robust, available, and supports the business operations as effectively as possible.
ICE have access to the CF Systems support desk of experienced, vendor certified support engineers who make sure that the business (which runs applications as complex and diverse as SAP and Solidworks, as well as a full MS Office 365 suite and Veeam backup) is able to rely on the company’s IT. They do this working in close cooperation with the ICE internal IT team to provide complete cover and support throughout the working week.
ICE have also benefitted from CF Systems consulting expertise to undertake defined project work including the migration from ageing physical server infrastructure to a new VMWare virtualised platform, running three virtual servers on a single new physical host server. Restructuring and streamlining of their server backups to ensure they can be counted on when, and if, they are needed, including implementation of dedicated backup for the companies Office 365 based email and bespoke specification and installation of a number of workstations across the business, all with the minimum of user impact.